Elvis' story

18 Dec 2019

Our vet Catherine Speakman first met Elvis when his owner called us about a suspected sarcoid on Elvis’s right eye.

Elvis had mixed nodular/verrucous sarcoids around the region, and also a scaly area on his muzzle which she suspected was also a sarcoid.

Photos where referred to Prof. Knottenbelt for advice. This was a complex case and a combination of therapeutic creams and laser surgery was advised.

The creams arrived and the first application was made by Catherine. Catherine left the creams with the owner for him to repeat according to the very strict treatment protocol. Applying the creams can be very difficult and some horses can come to resent them being applied. Elvis was a good patient and his owner did a very diligent job, slowly the full extent of the sarcoids became apparent as the creams removed the overlying scale and crust. The next stage of treatment was the surgical removal of the larger lesions by laser surgery.

Vet Paul Smith performed the laser surgery at our Rathmell Clinic. A very large crust was removed from the site under sedation prior to surgery. One large lesion was removed along with a further 7 smaller lesions. The surgery went very well and Elvis continued to be a fab patient, further application of the sarcoid creams was necessary due to the location of the sarcoids and the difficulty of removing them with enough clear margin of tissue.

We are pleased to report that Elvis is doing fantastically as you can see from the photographs! His owner and the veterinary team have done a great job.